How Diamond Suspensions Are Used In Metallography
Metallography is the inspection of the microstructures of metal and other materials.
There are 4 main steps to the examination of a material:
The first step is sectioning, when a piece of material is collected using an abrasive tool.
This material is then mounted to a suitable material, commonly made of epoxy or plastic.
Grinding then takes place which uses an abrasive wheel.
The fourth step is polishing the material. Here any blemishes are removed to create a smooth surface.
What is a Diamond Suspension?
Diamond Suspension is a product that is used to polish a material in preparation for examination. There are several styles of diamond suspension that are made for different purposes.
These include:
Diamond suspension made with monocrystalline diamonds.
Diamond suspension made with polycrystalline diamonds.
Monocrystalline diamonds tend to be less expensive and are used for more everyday examinations due to their blunter shape.
Polycrystalline diamonds consist of more finer cut edges and so can create a more refined polish and removal per the amount of suspension used.
While the type of diamond suspension you use depends on the results you require, polycrystalline diamonds tend to be more expensive because they commonly offer a more refined polish than monocrystalline diamonds.
There are varying concentrations of carats per liter in diamond suspension products, so it is important to find the correct concentration for the material that you are using and your desired outcome.
Why metallography is important
Metallography is important in the construction industry because it presents the opportunity to explore which materials are the best to use for individual projects. Modern day software technology can also the detect how microstructures of metals would behave on the larger scale. This opens up pathways for a more sustainable production and use of metals in the future.